Mount Nittany Sunrise.

Friday, June 18, 2010


For SpringSummer 2010, Mother Nature has been on the fast track, blurring days into weeks. What is “normal” for the week of July 4 at Fleur-de-Lys Farm is happening right now, June 14-18!

We’re picking black raspberries, black currants, and blueberries, while the June-bearing strawberries are fast fading. The bee balm is sending up her blossoms exploding with streaks of crimson that usually herald July 4 fireworks. Another not-so-favorite visitor for Independence Day, the Japanese beetle, is already munching down on the roses and quince. Laurie Lynch

At Fleur-de-Lys Farm Market this week: rainbow chard, several types of kale and lettuces, sugar snap peas, garlic scapes, black raspberries and currants, cilantro, oregano, and other herbs, eggs, honey, and probably a half dozen other things I’ve missed. We still have loads of llama beans for your compost

Life is like a patchwork quilt
And each little patch is day
Some patches are rosy, happy and bright
And some are dark and gray.
But each little patch
As it’s fitted in and sewn to keep it together
Makes a finished flock in this life of ours,
Filled with sun and rainy weather.
So let me work on life’s patchwork quilt
Through the rainy days and the sun
Trusting that when I have finished my block
The Master may say, “Well Done.”

-- Author Unknown

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